
Irish Dance Shoes

 All dancers should have the required footwear for their registered level after the first month of classes.

We recommend beginner students wait a few classes before they purchase Irish dance shoes in order to ascertain whether or not they intend to continue with lessons.  New students may wear socks, well fitting slippers or ballet slippers for the first few weeks of classes. 

Soft Shoes

  • Ladies wear Irish Soft shoes (pumps, or ghillies)
  • Males wear Reel Shoes or Capezio Jazz Shoes.   Beginners start with soft heel shoes (Capezio Jazz shoes) and progress to Reel Shoes with Hard Shoe Heel pieces. Your instructor will inform you when it’s time to advance to Reel Shoes with heel pieces.  
Hard Shoes
Both Females and Males wear Irish Dance Hard Shoes.


Soft Shoes, Boys Reel Shoes, Hard Shoes, Wigs, and Dance Supplies

Locally -  Unique Ireland - Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg

On-Line Vendors who ship to Canada;


Boys Capezio Shoes

Locally - Capezio shoes are available at any local dance supply store.




  •   Beginner -  Ballet Slippers or Soft Shoes (females) /  Capezio Jazz shoes (males)
  •   Novice & Preliminary -  Soft Shoes (females) /  Capezio Jazz shoes (males) & Hard Shoes 
  •   Intermediate & Advanced  - Soft (females) / Boys Reel shoes (males)  & Hard Shoes
  •   Adult (All Levels)  - Soft Shoes (females)  / Capezio Jazz shoes or Boys Reel Shoes (males) & Hard Shoes


  • Soft & Hard Shoes


  •   Bunghrád  Soft Shoes
  •   Ullmáuchan  Soft & Hard Shoes 
  •   Meangrád  Soft & Hard Shoes
  •   Ardgrád  Soft & Hard Shoes
  •   Craoábhgrad   Soft & Hard Shoes

​Second Hand Shoes

There is a large market for second hand shoes and costumes and selling your used shoes helps to offset the cost of new shoes.  We have created a Facebook group for dancers to buy and sell 2nd hand shoes, costumes, and dance items.  JOIN GROUP - CLICK HERE

Highland Shoes vs. Irish Shoes

Highland ghillies are structured different than Irish soft shoes with a longer toe.  Highland ghillies may be worn in class for practice but are discouraged for performance and not permitted for competition.

Ballet Slippers & Gym Shoes

Ballet Slippers and Gym Shoes do not offer the same support as Irish dance soft shoes and make it difficult for dancers to obtain a proper point for Irish dance.  Ballet Slippers & Gym shoes should only be worn for the first season until the dancer is certain they are going to continue with lessons.

Tap Shoes vs. Hard Shoes

Tap shoes should not be substituted for hard shoes, with the exception of our Preschool students.  Tap shoes do not function in the same way as a hard shoe and are detrimental to the formation of the basic beats for Irish dance. 









How to tie your soft shoes

It is important that dancers and parents learn to tie their soft shoes properly.  Ill fitting or improperly tied soft shoes make it difficult for the dancer, can be damaging for the foot, and can increase the risk of injury.

  • Students should come in to class with the soft shoes properly tied.  Instructors and Assistants are always available to assist dancers and parents before class. 

Tying up your pumps can be tricky if you have never seen it done before. Here is a step by step guide;

1. Start at the loop at the front of the pump and thread the lace through so there is an equal amount of lace on each side of the loop.

2. Take one end of the lace and start threading it through as shown in the diagram. Do not cross the laces for the first hole.   Don’t forget the elastic loop under the ankle (not on all types of pumps)!

3. Take the other end of the lace and repeat the process, threading it through as shown.

4. Thread the end of each lace through the loop at the back of the pump.

5. Remember to slacken all the laces before putting the pump on.

6. Once on the foot, tighten all the laces, starting with the laces at the toe end of the pump.

7. Different dancers have different ways of using up the left over lace. One approach is to wrap the laces around you shin in a criss-cross fashion, tying the final bit of lace in a small bow at the front of the leg. Another approach is to wrap the extra laces around the pump at the arch and tie on top. This second approach is not recommended as it restricts the shape of the foot and can damage the foot in the long term.

8.  Elastic lacing is not recomened for soft shoes unless absolutely necessary (for the purpose of quick shoe changes in performances


How To Break In New Hard Shoes

When you buy a new pair of hard shoes we recommend wearing them around your house often, not just when you are practicing or in class.  Wearing shoes at home will speed up the break in period and help prevent blisters developing from dancing in new shoes.  Hard shoes are made from soft leather which will stretch in length and width from 1 - 2 full sizes.

For those who cannot or do not want to wait some methods to break them in:

1. Using A Wet Rag

Wet a few clean rags and stuff one into the toe part of each shoe Bend over the shoes so that the tip of the toe is tucked behind the heel - touching it and tie with strong elastic or string. Secure with elastics and leave either overnight, or for a few days.  Please be aware that too much moisten can damage the shoes so attempt at your own risk!

2. Using Glove Softener

Glove conditioner, softener or a leather spray with expanding effect is also helping if you work it in well to the leather.  Please use caution when dancing immediately afterwards as shoes tend to be slippery.

3. Using A Shoe Stretcher

Commercial shoe stretchers work well for breaking in new hard shoes.